Sheldon Jottings for March 2013

More sad news here when we heard David Melland had passed away. David was born in the village and had lived here all his life. He worked as a joiner and a builder and also on his smallholding, but will best be remembered for constructing the ‘Cock and Pullet’ which he opened with his wife Kath in 1996. Our sympathies go out to Kath and all David’s family. His funeral was on 14th February in a packed Sheldon Church and many, many more people who were standing outside had a corresponding service conducted by Aron, our Curate.

During all the icy and snowy weather we experienced in January and February our milk arrived on the doorstep as usual. Thank you Pauline for such a reliable service. Public transport can stop running, schools can close,  but Pauline battles through with her deliveries and these begin in the dark in the early hours of the morning!  Sheldon, sitting on the edge of a plateau at over 320 metres (1000 feet), gets real weather and amounts of snow unimaginable in places even just slightly lower in altitude. But we are not afforded the necessity of a council plough/ gritting lorry when it’s really needed. However, Sheldon people are made of stern stuff and we have some very courageous ‘essential workers’ – including a doctor, policeman, nurse and a DCC worker, who all bravely manage to get to work to help other people and provide vital services. Our unsung heroes /heroines – you all deserve medals.

Brian Greasley is researching the story of the school here in Sheldon. He has spent many happy hours at the Record Office in Matlock and has revealed a fascinating story of this little school. However, he is now asking for our help. If anyone has any photographs or memorabilia, or has been passed memories from that time,  he would be delighted to know. There are particular mysteries; the photograph taken of the children in 1896; medals which were given to each child to commemorate the Jubilee in June 1897; any photograph taken of the school between 1878 and 1970, even if the building is in the background. He would be most grateful for any help you can give. Please contact Brian on 01629 813055.

Exciting news about getting super-fast broadband to our village. The Monyash, Flagg and Sheldon broadband project has been approached by a super-fast wireless internet service provider. They have said that if we can get 40 households between the 3 villages to sign up to their super-fast broadband package, they will install all the necessary infrastructure and jump through all the potential planning issues on our behalf. There will be 3 tiers of service offered, with the fastest being 35 Mbps….approx 70 times faster than what most of us currently have! Watch this space for more information.

Andrew has been happily helping to renovate Colin ‘s 1947 Fordson tractor. Perhaps it will be in the next Sheldon Tractor Run?  Pat has recently celebrated a big birthday with a 0 on the end – don’t worry Pat as there are several who will be doing likewise this year! Perhaps they should have one big ‘knees – up’ to which all are invited? The other February birthday was baby Harriet who was one year old. Angie and Andy have a new addition to their family – Reggie, a new fox terrier puppy and adorable.

Dates for the Diary

Tuesday 5th March
Vicar’s Coffee Morning at the ‘Cock and Pullet’

Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th in the Village Hall
Sheldon History Display