Jottings for June 2012

June 2nd, the start of the Diamond Jubilee weekend is a very special one for Alex and Gemma, who are getting married in our church that day. Gemma says they would welcome anyone from the village at the ceremony. They live in Sheffield, and saw a picture of our church when visiting Buxton. They came to the church, fell in love with it and the village, and determined to get married here. So all the best to Gemma and Alex for a very happy life together.

Cream teas on May Bank Holiday Sunday were a huge £240 success. The walkers were out in abundance; well done to the team! The next cream teas are on the Diamond Jubilee Sunday, June 3rd,  from 2pm in the Village Hall. Come and celebrate with a Sheldon cream tea!

Sheldon is also celebrating with a family/village picnic on Tuesday June 5th, from 12 noon onwards, on the playing fields. It’s a bring-your-own-picnic event, with a rounders competition as well, for those who fancy their chances! Thanks to Andrew, Lindsey and the team for organising it. Everyone welcome, from far and near.

Dianne and husband Kevin, and children James & Ady, have now returned to New Zealand after a most enjoyable time with Adrienne, Elaine and the Blackshaw family. While they were here it was Judith’s birthday and there was a great gathering of the clan. Dianne says she loves visiting Sheldon (who wouldn’t?) but NZ is still best.

Our twice-monthly Communion Services in the church continue to flourish. It shows the importance of a local church, and you can’t get much more local than our small, beautiful, peaceful church, welcoming to all and important to the whole community especially when we remember those who are sick in the parish by name each service. Recently we’ve been praying especially for Ann Lomas, very ill in hospital for some time, David Melland who hasn’t been well, and me too. A great comfort. Illness of anyone touches us all in a small community.

I was watching the sparrows the other day…they’ve taken to our bathroom…we can’t open the window or they are in, thinking they are home. Sparrows might be in decline elsewhere, but not in Sheldon! Neither are the swallows, now busy with their nests and new families. They like our open windows too!

The village History Group is having a lively time. The May meeting looked into the history of our farming families with the Farming Life Centre. The June meeting, on Monday June 11th, is a guided tour of Temple Mine and the Mining Museum at Matlock Bath; booking is essential.

The June Parish Meeting is now on Monday June 25th at 7pm in the Village Hall. This is because the Peak District National Park Authority’s Chief Executive, Jim Dixon, and Chair of the Authority, Tony Favell, will be visiting the village that afternoon, and then coming to the start of the Parish Meeting. A separate programme for the day will be sent round to everyone later.

Please note that only registered voters within the parish (i.e. on the electoral roll) are able to attend the Parish Meeting, and public attendance is discretionary and by prior arrangement with the Parish Chair.