Website Changes

Some of our more “eagle eyed” readers may have noticed a few changes to the website recently. Whilst this probably isn’t the most interesting post for the vast majority of our readers, some of you who also run village websites might like to know what we’ve been up to.

  • Gone is the rotating header image as it was no longer supported with the current version of WordPress that runs this site. This has the added benefit of reducing our monthly bandwidth costs, as several images were served every time a web page was loaded.
  • Twitter has recently changed the way it allows users to access their API. As such, we’ve replaced the old Jetpack Twitter widget with a funky new rotating widget.
  • We are now using Google Fonts to serve a better looking open-source font, Open Sans, across the whole website.
  • Our images galleries are now using Jetpack to improve their layout.

Let us know what you think!