Mandarins and Martins

A couple of weeks ago Georgina reported a pair of mandarin ducks next to the dew pond at the back of their house; they were only there briefly and flew off when disturbed. These feral birds originating from Eastern Asia have a self-sustaining population in various parts of the UK. They breed locally on the River Wye. I saw a male 2-3 years ago roosting next to a dew pond at the top of the village.

It is good the see the house martins back again using the eaves of the Ballington’s house, opposite the Cock and Pullet pub. They have been back for over a couple of weeks now, numbers appear to be down nationally this year, I will have to go out and count ours soon.  They really are fantastic to watch swooping in and out of their nests; they make a real wildlife centre piece in the village!


House Martin


Young House Martins

What else has been going on… well I found a very small smooth newt under a stone by my back door the other day (see the picture below).

Smooth Newt1_2

Smooth Newt

Smooth Newt1

Smooth Newt

There were two blackcaps and a willow warbler singing at the top of the dale on Sunday (2nd June) morning, nearby a yellowhammer was sat on the wall, this was the first one I have seen down there, usually they can be found along Dirtlow road in the hedgerows.

The camera trap project is still underway, but with limited results so far, we recorded a wood mouse the other night. I will post the video later.

I put the moth trap out again on Sunday (2nd June) night, perhaps not in ideal conditions, but disappointingly with zero moths caught! However, there was one thing in the trap… a rather marvellous common cockchafer Melolontha melolontha!






What’s in the Moth Trap 2013! #1

I managed to get the moth trap out for the first time this year on the 1st of May followed by another night on the 5th of May. Predictably only a few species were caught. After the prolonged winter it is likely that some species are emerging later than normal. All the species caught were new to the village, by way of not having trapped at this time of year before here. I will update the species spread sheet on the side bar shortly.

Species are as follows:

1st May: Hebrew Character, Clouded Drab and Early Grey;

5th May: Hebrew Character, Clouded Drab, Common Quaker and Small Quaker.

Small Quaker1

Small Quaker

Clouded Drab1

Clouded Drab

Common Quaker1

Common Quaker

Early Grey1_1

Eary Grey

Hebrew Character1

Hebrew Character



Badgers on Camera!

We have been experimenting with camera traps around and about recently and have managed to get some footage of our nocturnal wildlife. In this video clip a couple of local badgers have been captured in infrared night-vision mode. More footage to follow soon.
