Sheldon Jottings for December 2012

Happy and peaceful Christmas to you all.

Julia was telling us about the timetable for the winter: the milk cows stay in at night and go up to the top yard for silage in the day. They don’t seem to mind! But all the other animals are still sleeping under the stars. The tup has been put to the ewes, so that there will be Easter lambs, due on April 1st. All part of the wonderful rural timetable of Sheldon.

Congratulations to John, top marks overall in his final police exams, 98%, after 10 weeks of hard training. At the passing out parade ceremony on November 9th the student police officers took their ‘oath of attestation’ and received their warrant cards and certificates. The evening finished with tea/coffee and cakes and lots of photographs! John started his shifts as a fully-qualified police officer on Friday 16th November, based at Buxton for the first two years.

Nigel and Mickey’s daughter, Jenny had a son earlier than expected. All is well. Welcome, Oscar to our world! We look forward to seeing him in the village soon. Needless to say Mickey and Nigel are over the moon.

The village bonfire and fireworks evening on November 3rd started with a huge fire at the far end of the playing field before Ian and Andrew’s fantastic pyrotechnics display! More than sixty people then went on up to the hall where Lindsey, Pat and Wendy were prepared with fabulous pies and peas. We were lucky with the weather, even fairly mild at Sheldon heights, although Bron and Tony commented that, being used to Sheldon’s weather, even climbing mountains in the rarefied Himalayan air on their holiday this year had not posed a challenge. It was great to see villagers old and new filling up the hall again, and we missed those that couldn’t make it. Many thanks to everyone.

Welcome to Angie and Andy who have now moved into Lower Farm (at last!). They have been  hard working members of the village community for many months, but only now have they moved finally in after all the renovations. Great to have you with us.

There was a moving and well attended Remembrance Day Service on November 11th in which Brian read one of the readings and Marlene placed a wreath under the memorial in the church for the service men from our village who gave their lives: John Brocklehurst, Thomas Brocklehurst, Anthony Gyte, Alfred Wildgoose and John Sherwin.

The Monyash, Flagg and Sheldon Broadband Project committee have decided upon the next steps for taking this work forward.  The committee has expanded, with more representatives from each village now involved, including Andrew Joly and Andy Ford from Sheldon (in addition to John and Georgina).

Some important dates:

Sunday 23rd December, 4pm at Church – the  Sheldon Carol Service returns.
The next vicar’s coffee morning is on Tuesday 5th February 2013 in the pub (none in December and January)
Sunday 9th December at 9am Holy Communion
Christmas Day at 9am Holy Communion

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